New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


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These pages were initially created to transfer photos from traditional scrapbooks to the internet in order to both preserve and make the pictures and history available to family and friends. It has become more extensive than I intended. However, I see it as a way to save the details before they slip away.

Martin T      ©2023 Theophilus

Go to Page 1Go to Page 3Go to Page 4Go to Page 5 Page 6Chris <1984  •  Martin <1984  •  >1984

01/05/84 Lunch with Judy Holcomb and her mom

01/19/84 Housewives Choice rehearsal


01/21/84 Martin Sound Mix Housewives Choice Texas Union

Happy hour Diane Scott's then Omar & the Howlers

January 10, 1984 Peter's 40th Birthday party

Jan 14, '84 went to see Silkwood w/Cayce

01/26/84 Jane, Paula and Martin Omletrey - planned New Mexico trip


01/24/84 Took care of Brandon & Ryan for PB

Martin &  Paula Pelicans


01/28/84 Met w/Peter - HWC fraternity party

02/01/84 M & Paula Threadgills

Martin & Cayce Trudys Texas Star


02/02/84 Housewives Choice played the Ritz

02/03/84 Judy & Martin Los Tres Bobos (in biz 1977-1985)

02/07/84 Housewives Choice Continental Club


02/16/84 Martin & Paula Frisco

02/19/84 Martin sinus infection - Paula took him to ARC after hours clinic

Louie staying at Martin's 02/20/84 to 02/23/84

02/22/84 Housewives Choice Sheraton Benefit

022484 Judy Holcomb & Martin had dinner at Pelicans - talked about flying up to Dallas that night for fun. Martin's sick on way home - ran red light to get to Judy's house w/diarrhea. Austin PD at light and stopped Martin who jumped out to tell officer he was sick. Officer started to draw his gun and said never run toward a police car. Officer followed to Judy's to verify. No ticket.

02/25/84 Housewives Choice Fraternity party

Martin, Peggy, Dad, Mom George, Karen, Claudia John, Joe and Paul

03/02/84 to 03/06/84 Jane, Paula, Linda and Martin drove to New Mexico. 1st nite Clovis.

03/03/84 Santa Fe




03/04/84 Snowed on way to Cottonwood Cabins Red River, NM

03/05/84 At Cottonwood Cabins there was no power or water, so back to Taos & Santa Fe, then drove to Big Springs.

The flies were really bad in New Mexico, so we began imitating them.

03/06/84 Martin drove Linda to San Angelo - then he went home to Austin. Fun trip!



April 2, 1984 Jane and Martin at Paula's house



April 4, 2024 Paukla and Martin in Lubbock for regional review

April 8,1984 Martin's BDay with Cayce

Martin, Ollie, Peg, Peggy Kanen and Joe born April 2, 1984  (Dad's Birthday)

DHS Regional Retreat at Hazel Baylor's cabin Cloudcroft, NM 04/10/84

1984 DHS Cloudcroft, New Mexico retreat with the El Paso Personnel and training staff.  Martin was the State Office Training Liaison and Sherry was the Personnel Liaison.


04/30/84 Louie came in to Austin. We were sitting around in my townhouse when a lady walked by. She had just moved into the townhouse next door. I said, “I’ve been meaning to meet her.” Louie said, “That’s your problem Martin. You don’t know what you want, or who might have the qualities you would like.”

Later that evening Cayce, Louie and I went to supper at El Arroyo. Louie told Cayce what he’d said to me earlier in the day. Thus began a two-hour inquisition into my head. The British concierge in Houston came to mind. No games. I was so tired of games that Sherry had played. Thoughts I shared were; commitment, security, risk taking, energetic, rural, not city, liked music, movies and down to earth. Later when I met Chris, Cayce and Louie were amazed!

Sherry & Martin dated, including going on a tour of England with Martin's parents. Later Martin almost turned down a recommendation from Sherry when she said she wanted to introduce him to one of her friends.  At first Martin declined, but when she said the person was British and drove a pickup, it sounded too good. The introduction was to Chris.

Craig (Sherry's son), Sherry & Martin (left)


05/13/84 Craig in hospital after falling through manhole cover

05/13/84 On the way home from Sherry's Martin saw smoke across MoPac and felt it was a house fire.  He exited MoPac and drove toward the source.  Once he saw the house with flames beginning to break through the roof, he began honking as he drove up to the house.  Ms. Jamar met him at her front door and then started to go back in, but Martin convinced her to move away from the house.


Martin then went to the neighbors to make sure they were aware of the fire which was now close to their garage.  Ms.  Jamar said her car was in the garage and the fire fighters backed off just at the gas tank exploded.




On 06/12/84 Texas DHS gave Martin his15 yr service award & commendation for alerting folks to the house fire.


052384 Cheryl let me know she found a home for Kelly & Shannon. 05/24/84 Went to see Cheryl

05/26/84 Martin met Fran at UT & walked around campus. Fran staying with her friend Vicki in Austin. 

05/27/84 Drove Fran to Houston - Dan McKluskys - had cot brought into hotel room for Martin.

05/28/84 Fran gave presentation at Medical conference. Fran and Martin drove to Galveston and back to Austin.


05/29/84. Martin took Fran to airport. Fran made offer to host Martin and his parents for a trip to Cleveland.

06/02/84 took Judy H & Grady to Pelicans


John & Peggy in front of Crerar's old home 1984


06/03/84 Martin attended church with Paula and met Cacye at Good Eats

06/06/84 Martin to RD Meeting Arlington - Jane began Insight Workshop

060784 Spent afternoon w/Sylvia & supper with Sylvia & Stuart

06/08/84 When Martin returned to Austin, Jane's mother called & was trying to find her. Martin found Jane at the Insight workshop to let her know her  brother had passed away.

06/10/84 Jane's Insight graduation
06/11/84 Martin signed up for Insight beginning 07/10/84




On 06/09/84 Martin worked on an MHMR Director's job application. Sherry saw the posting a suggested he apply.

Martin and Cacye went to see Omar & the Howlers

06/15/84 Martin and Paula to Chuey's

06/16/84 Martin went to look at Duplexes with Cacye & Irene

Martin cleaned out attic at old house on Sun Vista


Martin on the Lost River Cruise June 23, 1984


062384 Lost River cruise w/Jane & Linda


06/26/84 Louie in Austin - Martin had Jane,Linda and Louie over for super.


06/30/84 Martin rode cycle to Dripping Springs and had supper with Mariaum whom he'd met walking Town Lake.



063184 Martin rode Yamaha DT-360 cycle to Hamilton Pool

07/03/84 Judy called asking if Martin would be interested in playing baseball with Grady's Plumbers - sure!

They played at Zilker Park. I practiced with them a couple of times and umpired the first game. I played outfield and we won the next game. During the third game, an opposing batter hit a fly ball over my head. I ran to the ball, picked it up and threw it toward second base. The ball did not make it even halfway, I ran and picked it up and threw it again, but it had turned into a home run. That was very embarrassing!

07/03/84 Lunch Fandangos with Judy

07/26/84 Flew to Midland Carol Turner picked me up - Stayed w/Bruce & Jackie & met Cole (adopted son)





Liberty Lunch, Austin, Texas Housewives Choice


Bruce Newlin, Judy & Martin at HWC gig • Judy with neighbor boy

09/01/83 At Judy's suggestion - Martin made contact lens exam. 09/12/83 Judy to Posse then with Debbie & Rolie to Men At Work Concert. 091883 had Judy Debbie & Rolie for dinner at Martin's townhouse. 092683 Bruce Newlin & Judy HWC (below)

07/03/84 Judy called asking if I'd want play baseball w/Grady's Plumbers - sure! Lunch Fandangos w/Judy

Also, one of Judy's friends who was in a plumbers baseball team, asked Martin to play with them.  The most embarrassing moment was while Martin played left field, a long hit sent him far a field.  Martin realized his throwing arm was out of shape when he had to throw the ball toward the infield, then run and throw it again as it had only gone half way.  Chris and Martin attended Judy's wedding to her childhood sweet heart.


Housewives Choice playing frat party

Housewives Choice playing another frat party and James' graduation party


Housewives Choice at UT Fraternity gig 1984



09/26/83 Judy and Martin at HouseWives Choice gig


Martin recording Housewives Choice at the University of Texas

HWC at gig


James Hinkle impersonating a waiter and Pat, Jeff & Dave





Hank & James recording vocals among the corduroys and Dave & Pat harmonizing at Martin's home studio 10/16/1983



Jeff, James, Peter, Martin, Bruce and Mark at Housewives Choice recording session at Rollingwood


HWC performing at 1984 UT Fraternity Halloween party (Chris & Martin on right)


Cayce and Martin worked with Peter Butcher on several projects, became friends and good listeners for each other until Cayce moved to LA. Cayce for worked for SXSW.

Cayce & Martin


Michele, Nick, Sylvia & Stuart early 1984


Sylvia & Martin

Sylvia, Nick & Stuart in Dallas

Brandon & Ryan

Paula & Martin New Mexico


Paula & Martin South Padre




Martin & Mary Ann at Lake Travis





Mom, Dad & Martin in Alpine 1984



07/06/84 To Alpine for 20yr reunion - caught up w/Carol

Class of 1964 at their 1984 reunion 0/706/84

Jesse, Carol & Martin at 1984 AHS reunion



Carol & Jesse at 1984 AHS reunion

07/07/84 breakfast LaFawn, Carol & Jessie

Phil, Frosty & Frosty's wife

07/19/84 Martin with Frosty & Helen's for supper


072684 Martin flew to Midland and Carol Turner picked him up.
Martin stayed with Bruce & Jackie & met adopted son Cole.

Bruce Carter visiting Martin's town house in Austin 1984

Martin & Bruce Newlin managed Housewives Choice Texas  Ska band Austin 1984


081684 Carol Stall Bennigans

Martin with Paula, Brandon & Ryan

Martin, Paula, Linda, Jane & Diane

Martin had a bad sinus infection at the time of this photo

Martin at Karl's wedding in Fort Davis

Martin at Karl Karvonen's wedding reception in Ft. Davis Texas

Judy Rushing - Martin's Admin Assistant

Martin's Austin Fort Clark townhouse living and dining rooms

Martin, Jane, Linda & Louie 1984

Martin Mom, Karl, Karen, Paul, John & Peggy


080184 Carol Turner, who was a trainer with Martin in Midland, came to Austin to attend the Insight workshop

08/29/84 Crosby Stills Nash


080384 Insight Conference - called parents appreciate

080584 Martin and Leslie at the Insight conference.  Interestingly, Leslie later married Mark Katz (Katz's Deli) and both Leslie & Mark attended Martin's Music Marketing class at Austin Community College.



09/01/84 Housewives Choice recording session at Rollingwood. Martin with Peter Jeff, James, Bruce and Mark.


Martin in mixdown room 1984

Martin in mix down room 1984

090984 Record Texas Radio show with Bruce Newlin & Libby Lee - 10am to midnight - then continued at 7am


Martin in mixdown room 1984

Martin in mixdown room 1984
Martin in mixdown room 1984
Martin in mixdown room 1984

Martin and parents

Martin and parents.  Martin took a class called Insight.  In an exercise designed to vent all the pent up anger toward parents, he realized he had none and further more he was very thankful for his relationship with his Mom and Dad.  Martin left the Insight class, called his parents to express the same to them.  As  a result they planned and took a trip back to Cleveland and other locations where Martin's parents met and went to school.

September 15, 1984

When we arrived at the Cleveland, OH airport, our reserved rental car was really old with high milage.   As we drove out of the airport, I realized my Dad was actually holding his back door closed.  He said it was not a problem (always taking things in stride).  I circled back to the rental agency to complain and they gave us a brand new Olds with 25 miles on it.  Much better for our fun trip!



Fran's home, Cleveland OH September, 1984

Fran after she attended a party


Fran's home, Cleveland OH September, 1984



Mom sharing her rocks with Fan

Attending a rock show in Cleveland

Cleveland River Cruise September 16,1984


Mom picking up a quick breakfast.

Martin's Mom worked at the Cleveland GE building in the early 1940's

We went by Margaret & George Crerar's home in Cleveland, where Martin's Mom lived when she met my Dad.

The Cleveland YMCA where my Dad lived in 1941 when he and my Mom met. There's more early info in Cleveland on this page.

Martin's Dad was an accountant for Cleveland's Drop Park Forge during the early 1940's.

This is the Calvary Presbyterian church where Peg & Ollie Theophilus were married November 22, 1941.

Inside of the church


Fran's Cleveland office

Martin with Aunt Ina (Grandmother Margaret Crerar's sister)

Mom with Helen and ?


This was the Theophilus home in Claysville, PA where Martin's Dad lived until his Dad Albert Theophilus was killed in a freak accident in 1933.




Martin, Mom & Dad at Niagara Falls 09/17/84


Niagara Falls 09/17/84

Taken during 1984 Ohio trip - Uncle Don,  Dad, Janet with her daughter, Mom, Aunt Sally & Martin

Martin, Mom, Sally, Don & Dad 1984

In 1984, martin took his Mom & dad back to Ohio and Pennsylvania where they grew up, went to school, worked met and married




Jan and Jonsey with Mom


Don Gibson


Sally Gibson (Dad's Sister)

Jan, Sally and Nisha

The Claysville cemetery where Martin's great grandparents are buried



Claysville cemetery

visiting Don's Dad and brother Russell


Don Gibson's Dad, James Gibson 1885 - 1988

Mom by covered bridge in Claysville, OH

Muskingum University where Dad attended college

Mom at the pond at Muskingum University 09/20/84


Bates Farm area

Bates Farm?

After travelling around various places Mom and Dad lived, we returned to Fran's home.


September 24,1984

After taking his parents back to where they grew up, went to school, met and married, Martin took a trip to Washington DC (stayed at Fran Wilson's friend Jane Herd's condo at 18th & Q Dupont Circle) , New York and up the East coast ending up at sunset on the beach at Westerly, RI - 1984

1984 Martin in Baltimore harbor


Baltimore harbor 09/25/84



09/24/1984 Martin Smithsonian & Air & Space Museums



1984 Martin's photo in Washington DC.  The roll of film with this picture was processed by a photo shop in Cleveland.  Several weeks after Martin returned to Austin, Fran saw the photo shop was selling enlargements of the same photo.  Martin had them cease and desist.

New York's Twin Towers in distance during martin's 1984 visit

New York's Twin Towers in distance during martin's 1984 visit

New York 1984 Martin's trip

Statue of Liberty restoration 1984



Sunset on the beach at Westerly, RI - 09/26/1984

Martin at peace enjoying sunset on the beach at Westerly, RI - September 26, 1984. This was at the en of the trip with his parents to Ohio. After this trip, Martin was enjoying being single and ready for anything!



Fran drove Martin around the Amish communities around Cleveland

Martin & Fran in Cleveland during M's parents visit 08/84

Martin & Fran in Cleveland during M's parents visit 08/84.  Fran had worked with Martin in Child Welfare and offered for them to stay with her during their Cleveland visit.  Fran arranged to have oxygen delivered for Martin's Dad. This photo was taken prior to Fran treating Martin to a concert with with Cleveland Orchestra.

Fran took Martin to a Greek restaurant and to a Cleveland Symphony concert

Dad bought Fran a cassette player in thanks for her hosting us in Cleveland


Listening to music on the new cassette player


Listening to music on the new cassette player



Martin, Mom, Sally, Don & Dad 1984

In 1984, martin took his Mom & dad back to Ohio and Pennsylvania where they grew up, went to school, worked met and married







Sherry Thorne's note to Martin with Chris' phone numbers

Chris & Martin's first date, October 6,1984 started with dinner at Austin's Pelican Wharf and then an evening with Peter Butcher at "Rollingwood Recording" an Austin recording studio.

picture of Riverside Recording Studio

The next day Chris took Martin to a Central Texas Dressage event where she was a judge's runner.





Chris, Martin & Orion October 7, 1984

  Chris at sunset in West Texas

Chris & Martin met on October 5, 1984.  view movies celebrating Chris' 2004 birthday


Lockhart Home & Orion and Ceda on property


Ken drank the wine Chris had been waiting to ferment

10/24/84 CM Pedunkels & Zilker for Brigadoon play


Ceda on roof of underground home being built

Orion with cat in garage





Chris and Martin at Frat party with Housewives Choice

102/7/84 Martin in Lockhart helped Chris work on her house - watched Educating Rita and went to Housewives Choice - DKE’s Frat House

James & Housewives Choice at Frat party

10/28/84 C& M drove pickup out - Ken stuck it in the mud the night before

James & Housewives Choice at Frat party

Chris and Martin at Frat party with Housewives Choice

Chris and Martin at Frat party with Housewives Choice


Mary Anne Taylor in Austin Oct 30,1984

Mary Ann TAylor, Chris & Martin as "White Trash" going to Austin's 6th Street on Halloween 1984 

Mary Anne Taylor, Chris & Martin as "White Trash" going to Austin's 6th Street on Halloween 1984 • tossed salad


Austin's 6th Street on Halloween 1984 

Austin's 6th Street on Halloween 1984

Chris & Martin with Karen & Montie

11/01/84 Went to see Karen & Montie

November 2, 1084 Chris flew to England to be with her family prior to beginning her job at DHS. She returned November 16, 1984.

On way to take Chris to airport to fly to England, she had an insufficient funds notice from Martin in her mail box. Argh! $7 for pic frames bounced - embarrassing

Chris flew to UK & Martin drove to Alpine.

November 9, 1984 - Martin's letter to Chris while she was visiting family in the UK. This was written only five weeks after they met.






Sul Ross Homecoming parade November 3, 1984

11/10/84 Diane Scott's BDay Party


1/16/84 Chris 7:30am flight from London
Ken called Martin and said he had wrecked Chris' pickup and asked that I tell her when I picked her up at the airport.

Martin bought roses and went to the airport, but Chris didn’t get off plane - asked crew to double check, but no Chris. M went to counter and was told Chris missed the NY connection and has been given a room in NY and will fly to Austin tomorrow. Went home, Chris called, Martin said "How’s New York?"

Chris says she had called and left message on my answering machine to say she changed flights and was now at the Austin airport. M's answering machine didn’t save the message (as it had not done in the past). M took roses out of the fridge and picked Chris up at the airport. Told her about Ken wrecking her truck.

picture of Riverside Recording Studio

On the right is Martin's answering machine that missed Chris' UK call that she had switched airlines.


Chris, Martin, Ceda and Orion on the roof of the earth house Chris was building in Lockhart


November 19, 1984was Chris' first day at work at DHS.


Ceda pulling Martin jeans. She pulled Martin down the driveway at Tangleridge Circle

10/20/84 Martin & Chris, Johnny, Linda and Kathlyn help Jane move

picture of Chris, Gloria & Martin

Martin, Chris & Gloria in Lockhart Gloria came up from San Antonio and went to Peoples and then to see Omar and the Howlers





Thanksgiving with Gloria 1984

Chris & Martin at Martin's townhouse

Chris & Martin at Martin's townhouse


111984 CM rode in from Lockhart together - Chris was going to first day at work in the Assistant Commissioner for CPS’office


11/23/84 Chris' Honda Prelude replaced her wrecked pickup. Martin co-signed a Berstrom Air Base Credit Union. Went to Los Tres BoBos.



By buying 12 blank videotapes Martin received a Scotch coupon for buy one get one free flight on Republic Airlines. The flight had to be used by Dec 15, 1984. So Chris & Martin found the furthermost they could go over a weekend was Washington D.C.

Chris & Martin in Washington DC in Dec 1984  

Chris & Martin in Washington DC in December 1, 1984. Flight to DC on Republic Air was provided by Martin's Scotch video tape purchases. Camera is setting on a Coke can and the star effect was unintentional.

Chris and Martin in Washington DC in 1984 

Chris & Martin in Washington DC in Dec 1984.

Baltimore Washington airport


Lincoln Memorial

The White House

Washington Monument

We  walked the capitol grounds at night. Saw a large group walking towards and decided to divert!

The US Capitol


Large crowd at Lincoln Center


Smithsonian Museum

Washington underground

12/02/84 Chris and Martin visited Peterson House where President Lincoln was taken after  being shot.


Toured the Air and Space Museum

Air and Space Museum


120384 CM lunch cafeteria - Chris to meet with Ken’s teacher

120484 M drove Prelude into work - Dan’s for lunch - worked on C’s car -Chris meeting with Al re Ken - M took Pontiac home

120584 Chris picked Martin up - supper Salsas

120684 Martin in DHS media with Johnny. Martin eye appt and Chris took Martin to airport and he flew to Houston to meet with training staff.
120784 M Houston - Management Skills Training - flew back to Austin & Chris picked me up

120884 Chris and Martin drove to to Fredricksburg - Ken with Monty.
120984 CM went to see Neil Diamond

121084 CM rode in together - Chris had to work late - Lockhart
121184 CM towed pickup to Austin - M picked up Gary F airport - CM & Gary Fredericks to Jorges - Chris work late again
121284 M RD meeting Salado
121384 M RD meeting Salado
121484 CM lunch - San Marcos - Katy Station - fun - beautiful

121684 CM townhouse- Lockhart- Black’s BarBQ - decorated Chris’ tree - Fajitas

  121784 Chris meeting with attorney - Martin drove to Abilene for Regional visit
121884 M drove home
121984 M met Chris at Highland Mall - M video shoot at Airport Drive AFDC offices - C worked on divorce info


12/2124 Oxygen delivered - Paula brought Chris to townhouse - wrapped presents
Got groceries


121584 CM shopped - changed at townhouse & went to CPS Christmas Party

DHS Personnel Christmas party 12/20/84

122184 CM Staff Development Christmas dinner



December 22, 1984 CM UT PAC Concert Hall Messiah


Chris, Martin's Mom & Dad, Ken & Anthony December 24, 1984

Chris, Martin's Mom & Dad, Ken & Anthony Dec, 2004

Chris fixed Christmas Eve dinner

Anthony lighting fireplace on Christmas Eve

Christmas Day Martin went with his parents to Farmers Branch to celebrate Christmas with Peggy and John's family.

Peg, Joe & Peggy Anne



Chris celebrated with Anthony and Ken



122684 Chris came to Martin's townhouse to visit with parents - Peggy & John sick and stayed Holiday Inn. All went to Threadgills. Chris drove home

122784 Chris working but met M & parents to Ruby Tuesday’s - parents drove home - M to Lockhart
122884 CM to townhouse - Beans - Housewives Choice - stayed up until 4am
122984 Chris, Ken and Charles Trudys - Simon & Garfunkel - tired


123084 Breakfast - worked on C’s divorce - walked Town Lake - Protocol movie (1984) - Pedunkels - Anthony & Lucy - Stayed Austin

12/31/84 M & Paula Omletrey - CM & Jane Fandangos - New Years Eve, country band at Maggie May’s - stayed Austin

C&M celebrated New Years Eve with a country band at Maggie Mae’s





Related links   Alpine

New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


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