Andrew and Polly were Chris' father's uncle and aunt. Thomas McLatchie was the brother who first went to Saskatchewan. None of the three ever married. Chris came to the US from England in 1965 with her husband Al and one year old son Anthony. She soon made a train trip to Canada to visit her 91 one year old Aunt Poly. Chris and Polly celebrated their birthdays which both fell on August 2nd. Chris was 21 and Aunt Polly was 91. here's some more info from the Swift Current Assoc.
"Andrew McLatchie came to Canada from Scotland in 1906-07 to the Balgonie Area, where his brother had a farm. Andy returned to Scotland for a visit in 1918 and became ill with the Great Flu of that era. His sister Mary, who was a registered nurse returned with him to Canada in 1919 to nurse him, intending to stay one year. She never returned to the homeland.
The McLatchies built this impressive prairie farm home, on a farm in the Tuberose area, in 1919, just prior to the "Roaring Twenties". All dimensional material in the "Aladdin Home" is made of cedar. The house was one of seventy buildings on the farm. Pictures of the farmstead hang on the wall in the kitchen.
The house was the centre of a farming operation that at one time encompassed 29 quarter sections (4,640 acres) of land and had seventy buildings. That was a very large farm in those times. 18 teams were harnessed every workday morning.
One of the upstairs bedrooms in the house was designated as the "borning room". In her capacity of nurse and midwife, Mary is estimated to have "birthed" over one hundred babies, the majority of them in that room.
Somewhat larger and more elegant than the typical early prairie farmhouse, the McLatchie house was a major social centre in the Tuberose district."
Professor William Christopher Miller was Chris' father's cousin. He published the Black's Veterinary Dictionary in 1928. Professor William C. Miller was also responsible for the 1935 edition. Professor Miller was on the teaching staff of the Royal (Dick) Veteninary College, Edinburgh when he saw the need for such a book and modeled it on Black's Medical Dictionary. Professor Miller held the chair of animal husbandry at the Royal Veteninary College, London, and completed a distinguished career by becoming Director of the Animal Health Trust's equine research station at Newmarket.
Parchment from Miller's Cuckoo Tye Farm

Parchment from Miller's Cuckoo Tye Farm

John Allan and Agnes Aitken Allan Chris' Great, Great Grandfathe/Grandmotherr on her Mum's side - Tamfourhill Farm

Chris' brother Peter Miller working the family's Cuckoo Tye Farm near Sudbury, Suffolk, England