Martin was promoted to Training Director in Midland on November 1, 1977.

In November 1977 Martin along with several TxDHS CPS Supervisors were promoted to State Education Training Specialists and moved to the new TxDHS training facility in Midland. This is Martin's office.

Midland DHS Training Staff 1977 • Back row: Martin, Louie, Jane, _, Johnny, Carol and Glenn

01/23/78 First Food Stamp Training class

02/21/78 Martin began second Food Stamp Training class - support staff (right below)

02/26/78 Began HSC recording ads in Midland Odessa papers

Brochure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Martin responded to this ad when he first came across it in 1978 in El Paso.

Gary Frederick (left) TxDHS El Paso region Director of Personnel & Staff Development
On 03/02/78 Gary Frederick called ref Martin taking El Paso trainer job
030878 Martin decided to accept El Paso job, called parents to let them know. Being in a DHS Regional office offered a better chance to get an Austin job in the music center of Texas, a goal Martin had since 1969.
Martin was lucky to transfer in that position to El Paso on March 8, 1978. El Paso was a regional headquarters and was another step to getting to Austin.
Martin had been assigned to a month long State orientation class in Austin in 1968. He had worked to end up in Austin with its thriving music business ever since.

Carol Turner - Midland Training Center
031378 Austin media training

Johnny Adams in his Midland office. Johnny ended up taking over the Food Stamp Basic Jobs Skills (BJST) training that Martin vacated, as well as continuing the Financial Services BJST.

04/15/78 Odessa 2804 Brentwood Odessa house Sold

Cheryl, Brandy & Kelly in empty house
05/03/78 Moved to El Paso. Went by & saw Sylvia & Michele on cycle before we left. On overpass by Odessa car in wrong lane passed at high speed. Luckily we were in right lane

03/23/78 Found house 3472 East Glen, El Paso
040178 Alpine dad's Birthday

040378 Midland/Odessa going away party - ECCS Mayor's award
041178 Jury duty Odessa municipal court |

El Paso home years later

Same house 45 years later 08/2023 |

Martin attended Texas DHS social worker orientation in 1968 in Austin. Having spent a month in Austin, he felt it was the place to develop his recording business. After receiving a promotion to training specialist in Midland, he was offered a training position in El Paso. Martin was in El Paso only a short few months before being hired as a trainer in Austin.

El Paso support staff Bev Nystrom

Martin's DHS office El Paso - 1978

Martin's El Paso DHS office in 1978 |

Phantom's El Paso on location recording and mix down equipment

El Paso Ads

07/13/78 Kelly ran away and was found the next day. However was pregnant with unknown puppies.

07/17/78 Martin flew into Midland to conduct training at the Andrews Highway Center

Sylvia and Martin had supper at the Midland Blue Star Inn (menu) and drinks at the Holiday Inn Bar.
07/23/78 Martin with Sylvia & Pat Smugglers restaurant El Paso

07/24/78 Juarez, Mexico - Julios Bar & Restaurant - Martin & Sylvia
The Julios restaurant later moved to locations in El Paso |

Martin's Midland DHS office. Interestingly, Don Abernathy with the State Office Training staff saw Martin's Child Protective Services scrapbook. Based on that, Don encouraged Martin to apply for the Austin job that resulted in his moving to Austin.

Cheryl and Brandy. Martin shot promotional photos for Gayle Myers (Cheryl's DHS assistant) in El Paso 07/16/78

Gayle with Brandy |

07/16/78 El Paso Model Gayle Myers with Clock |

Cheryl and Martin in Alpine 08/05 & 06/78 |

Cheryl's aunt with Brandy in El Paso |

Martin's Highland Sound/Phantom productions on location van customized in El Paso, Texas 1978 (bought new '77 Dodge van that had not been sold in Big Springs, TX 09/05/78).
081678 Bought van in Big Springs. Previously unsold new 1977 Dodge van.

New van for Phantom Productions, Inc. 09/05/78 Martin flew to Midland & was picked up by a Big Spring dealer, picked up the van and drove home to El Paso. Bought groceries & had supper with Michele & Sylvia in Odessa on way back to El Paso,
081978 contracted to have van customized for recording in El Paso

Van being customized in El Paso. |

Cheryl looking at van being worked on in El Paso |


Brandy and Kelly approve |

Van complete


Van interior completed

El Paso editing suite |

08/30/78 San Diego vacation return 09/04/78



Martin looking out to the Pacific Ocean |

October 3, 1978 El Paso staff at Cloudcroft, NM retreat. Ken & George by van. Brandy made the trip and a stray Irish Setter showed up. It was left in the care of a resident to hopefully find the owner.

DHS Cloudcroft retreat

Lunch with Brandy looking on |

10/03/78 El Paso DHS staff on retreat in Ruidosa, NM. Martin, Carol, George, Mary Ann, Ken & Gary
TxDHS El Paso regional Personnel/Staff development retreat at cabin belonging to Hazel Baylor

Gary roasting marshmallows |

Mary Ann and Carol in Ruidosa kitchen |

van was customized for on-location recording in El Paso, Texas during the
Summer and Fall of 1978. Highland Sound Company and soon to be Phantom
Productions moved to Austin, Texas in November of 1978.

on the above pictures for a larger version
the van, we used the Teac A-3340, a Teac A-3300 2 Track, JBL L40 monitors, The
Teac Model 2 mixer with the MB-20 meter bridge, the Marantz 5420 for making
a cassette copy for review and the Technics amp..

We began to complete contract on location recording gigs for Roy Poole of Austin Custom Records in Austin, Texas. HSC recorded bands & choirs in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Odessa and Austin.

El Paso Highland Sound Company/Phantom Productions equipment included a Sony 8-Track cartridge recorder, Technics amp, JBL speakers, Tapco 4400 reverb, Teac A-3300 2 Track master recorder, Teac A-3340 4 track simul-sync recorder, built into a custom wood black laminated box and mounted on a hand truck over a guitar amp for portability. Also 2 Sony and 2 Teac electret condenser microphones, Shure 556, Electro Voice 665, Shure 516Eq and other mics which had custom hard travel cases; the Teac Model 2 mixer with the MB-20 meter panel and a 100 foot 8 channel snake on a roll up reel. All mic stands and booms were made by Atlas.

Customized HSC van interior


The Cow Pokes
(last concert), Viscount Club, El Paso, Texas. November 19, 1978
, Click
here to listen.

Phantom Productions on location van outside Country Music venue in El Paso

Carol & Eddie Wilson at Cowpokes recording session

Martin in Phantom's recording van in El Paso with Carol Wilson

Phantom Productions on location van outside Houston church (below).


Cheryl with recording equipment in Houston church


Cheryl with recording equipment another on-location church


Martin moved to Austin from El Paso in November, 1978

First Austin editing room in Austin 1978

Phantom Productions on location van in Houston for Austin Custom records album production. The music production continued while Martin worked full time at the State as well.

Phantom Productions on location van outside Houston church.
Texas Department of Human Resources news report on Cheryl and Martin's recording
Cheryl & Martin in El Paso - photo by DHS


Cheryl & Martin El Paso house |

On June 7, 1978, Cheryl and Martin were in Houston on a TxDHS training assignment. Our neighbor, who was a Chaplain for the El Paso Police Dept. was looking after Brandy (above) and Kelly. As they'd tried to run off a couple of times, Brandy was on a long lead so she could move around. Unfortunately she climbed up on the 2 story dog house, tried to jump over the fence and accidentally hung herself. Incredibly hard on Kelly and us, as well as the Pastor. Kelly below.


A month later Kelly ran away and was gone several days. When we found her, it turned out she was pregnant.

Kelly's pups 1978

Martin's 1978 remote recording van in Alpine November 1, 1978

Peg Theophilus (front row center) in the Alpine First Presbyterian Church choir

Luis. Mary Ann & Carol Wilson (Eddie Wilson's wife)

Mary Ann & her art
Mary Ann and Martin worked for the El Paso DHS region training unit. A good friendship developed. One weekend Mary Ann went to her cabin in New Mexico for the weekend. When she didn't arrive first thing Monday morning at the office, Luis (another friend and co-worker) became concerned about Mary Ann's dog. She'd left the dog with plenty of food and water for the weekend, however, we thought we'd better go check on him. Arriving at her house, we looked through the garage window and it looked like the dogs water bowl was empty. (cont'd)
So we went to a grocery store and bought some packets of dog food, crumpled it up and threw it under the garage door. Thinking the dog might also need water, we turned on the hose and ran water under the garage door. When we returned to work, Mary Ann was there. It turned out we'd gone to the wrong house. I'm sure that dog had a good story when their masters returned. Lucky for Luis and I, the neighbors hadn't called the police.

Luis Macias El Paso TxDHS office |

Martin's DHS office El Paso - 1978
Later he became Chief of the data section which liaisoned with regional staff.
Martin accepted a training position in Austin beginning in November 1978. Ever since attending the State's 4 week Austin orientation in 1969, Martin had planned to join the music scene in Austin. His position enabled him to work with the DHS Media Services Division. Their video director was Bruce Scafe who produced the first Austin City Limits segments - view Bruce's early ACL clip. Martin hosted a segment of the TxDHR video news magazines Telejournal. Vi

Cheryl's DHS staff Halloween party

Bruce left Austin City Limits after the first season and Terry Lickona, who was originally an intern took over. DHS memo from 1982

10/24/78 flew Austin for interview
Martin accepted that Austin TxDHS headquarters job on December 1, 1978
Just several months after moving to El Paso, Martin was offered and took a Training job with TxDHS in Austin (which is what he'd been working toward since 1968).

Martin continued work for the TxDHS as a Child Protective Services and Management trainer

11/30/78 Martin traveled to Austin in his van to find a place to live and start new job as TxDHS State Office Training Director.
Billie O'Dowdy and Sylvia were in Austin in December 1, 1978 making a child placement. Martin had just moved to Austin from El Paso.

11/30/78 to 12/18/78 Martin's first apartment in Austin on Guadalupe - East of Airport

Martin met up with Sylvia & Billie at Christi's Restaurant on Town Lake.
On 12/01/78 Martin met Billie & Sylvia at IHOP. They went to check on the ECCS child placement and Billie headed back to Odessa. Martin went to find an apartment (turned out bad with bugs) and went by Burnet Road DHS training office where he'd be working.
Later Martin met Sylvia and went by Zilker pool, saw Cabaret, walked around capitol and along Town Lake.

12/02/78 Martin met Sylvia, "hair ball", and went to I Can't believe Its Yogurt, walked Guadalupe Drag and drove out to Lake Travis and sat on the shore.


Later they went and ate Chinese & to see Watership Down.
Sylvia flew home 10:25pm flight.

Martin's Austin office 1978 |
TxDHS office Burnet Road, Austin


Mixing room in Austin in 1978


012/18/78 to 05/26/79 After renting a bug infested apartment on Guadalupe in Austin, Martin leased house at 2106 Deadwood from DHS Investigator.

1978 Christmas at rented home on Deadwood in Austin


12/22/78 drove from Austin to Odessa (Cheryl's parents home above) for Christmas and then to Alpine on 12/24/78 for Christmas with Martin's family.

Christmas at Peggy and Tom's home
Click this link to view more about David Perkoff Music |