New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


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These pages were initially created to transfer photos from traditional scrapbooks to the internet in order to both preserve and make the pictures and history available to family and friends. It has become more extensive than I intended. However, I see it as a way to save the details before they slip away.

Martin T      ©2023 Theophilus

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123182 New Years Eve - Martin, Paula & Winifred BBQed. Martin met Joe Halton & Nancy at Folk dancing class. Sherry declined going out New Year's Eve.

01/01/83 New Year's Day - Martin fed Paula's bird while she and her boys went to her parents. While Martin was gone to Paula' s house, Sherry left note at his townhouse saying sorry about New Years Eve & later took Martin to Threadgills

010383 Helped Sherry decorate townhouse

010583 Paula & Winifred watched movie Being There

01/06/83 Janet (Perryton, TX) called about coming to Austin, Janet and Martin met a a DHS training.



01/10/83 to 01/13/83 Paris Regional visit Martin, Sherry & Craig 01/17/83 Sherry teeth pulled & braces

01/18/83 Mom called. Dad back in hosp
01/19/83 talked to Mom & Peggy - Dad not doing well
012083 Martin drove to Alpine

01/20/83 Sally & Don, and Bud and Elsie visited Martin's parents in Alpine after his Dad became ill and required oxygen

01/20/83 Sally & Don, and Bud and Elsie visited Martin's parents in Alpine after his Dad became ill and required oxygen

Family at the First Presbyterian Church of Alpine

Don, Bud, Elsie, Sally, Mom & Dad after he began needing oxygen

M's Dad & uncle Bud

M's Dad & uncle Bud

1983 Mom & Dad when Sally, Don, Elsie and Bud visited Alpine

01/21/83 Dad doing much better and Martin drove home


Mom & Dad 1983

Dad (with oxygen) and Karen at church in Farmers Branch

02/10/83 Martin had tickets to Judy Collins' concert in Austin, but got sick and gave the tickets to Cheryl

Martin worked for the Texas Department of Human Services (1968 - 1990), while also managing his recording business.

In February 1983 Martin was promoted to Chief of Services, Human Resource Division, State Headquarters, Austin, Texas (2/83 to 5/90) Supervised staff of eight management trainers in headquarters Management Training Center with an additional seventeen trainers located in agency Orientation Centers in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and the Valley. This staff provided training/development to 12,000 member agency (second largest in Texas). Prepared budget requests and oversaw budget for headquarters and major metropolitan BJST Centers. Provided direction and consultation in all areas of training to agency's 10 Regional Directors of Training which included an additional 100 trainers statewide. Conducted regional reviews of program training through classroom observation and review of evaluative reports. Developed and supervised the agency's Quality Circles program. Managed mainframe based computerized training tracking system on a statewide network.

Martin's staff & Liaison responsibility

02/26/83 Martin Signed new lease on Flores townhouse



Martin in mixdown room 1983

Martin in mix down room 1983

1983 Phantom Productions' Austin edit room





Paula & Martin 1983


02/27/83 Went to church with Paula and then our to Lake Travis.



03/03/83 Paula and Martin at State Park





Another time we went through a cool log house being built.

Paula, Ryan and Brandon


Paula's home February 1983

Paula, Ryan, Brandon and Martin


On March 12, 1983, Martin's Mom came to Austin

March 13, 1983 Paula, Martin and Martin's Mom went to the Berkley Methodist Church.


Later Sherry had Martin and Mom over for supper - strained and awkward

On March 14, 1983, Martin took Mom to San Antonio for an eye exam. They came back from San Antonio and Mom drove home to Alpine. Martin flew to El Paso and had supper at the State Line Cafe with Mary Ann Taylor

03/16/83 Martin and Sherry attended El Paso Personnel and Staff Development  meeting. Ate supper in Juarez.

03/16/83 Martin took Sherry by his old El Paso house and up on Skyline Drive.

03/17/83 Regional El Paso exit conference and then back to La Quinta. Sherry checked out and Martin took Sherry to the airport. Sherry had date in Austin this evening.

03/17/83 Martin went with Louie & Mary Ann to Juarez


03/18/83 Paula flew into El Paso and Cattleman's Steak House and the Juarez race track.

03/19/83 Paula and Martin drove to Ruidosa, and had dinner at the Inn of the Mountain Gods.

Inn of the Mountain Gods, New Mexico in snow storm

Inside the inn of the Mountain Gods

03/19/83 Paula and Martin were caught in a snow storm on the drive back to El Paso. 



03/20/83 Paula & Martin flew standby from El Paso back to Austin

Karen, Bitsi & Ollie - 1983





04/01/83 Martin drove to Alpine for Dad's birthday.


Dad's Birthday April 2, 1983

Dad's Birthday April 2, 1983

Karen and Karl


Karl's wife, Peg, Karen & Martin


Martin, Karl's wife, Mom, Karen and Dad

04/03/83 Martin drove back to Austin

04/04/83 Dad taken to hosp in El Paso



Martha,Sunshine and Martin


04/09/83 to 04/10/83 Martin drove to Freeport with Martha Mansell who was now with CPS Houston.




04/16/83 Paula and Martin breakfast at the Omletrey, walked town lake, put up fans, supper at Victoria Station, and saw Willie Nelson concert. 04/20/83 Martin met Darrel for breakfast. Later Paula and Martin walked Town Lake

Mom's birthday Alpine 04/21/83 - Karen and Mom

Karen and Dad - love the big box



Martin visited Martha in Houston 07/23/83 and went to the San Jacinto monument and toured the battleship Texas and the shore.







04/21/83 Called Mom for her birthday. Dad began requiring oxygen all the time.  Initially he had large tanks, then was happy to get a portable unit


04/23/83 Mary Anne came into Austin and she and Martin walked Town Lake


04/25/83 Took Judy Holcomb to lunch at Threadgills. Judy worked for a different state agency in the same building as the Austin DHS Staff Development offices. We met in the break room, became friends and shared a passion for music. She eventually led Martin to James Hinkle and the Housewives Choice band. She also encouraged Martin to pursue contacts and give up eye glasses.

04/25/83 Martin drove to Arlington for Regional visit and visited Sylvia and Stuart. Sylvia had delivered Nicholas (7 lb 13 oz) on April 17, 1983.


04/30/83 Martin help Paula prepare a going away party for Darrel at Paula's home. Paula and Darrel's relationship caused a breakup with Paula and Dan. Darrel had assisted Martin with several on-location recording jobs. He was leaving Austin and moving to Dallas. Unfortunately Darrel Marler passed away 03/07/86 from cardiac arrest in a motel in Paris, Texas



04/30/83 Paula's party for Darrel with Shirley Scott, ?, Frank David and David Beamer another DHS person.

David Beamer, Sanchez, Darrel, Debby Kalk, Mary Ella Martinez

Evelyn's husband, Mary Ella, Shirley, Mary Ella's husband &??





Shirley Scott, ? Frank David, David Beamer

Mary Ella Martinez, Evelyn Sanchez and her husband (who incidentally participated in Dan Sherrill's second ACC balloon crewing class)

Paula's son Ryan in Martin's DHS office


Paula and Martin Lake Travis



05/06/83 Martin walked Town Lake and then went to the Dallas Night Club where he ran into Dan Burke. Dan and Martin agreed that the night club scene was not the place to look for relationships. Dan and Paula did eventually get back together for the sake of their two boys Brandon and Ryan.



Martin met Janet at a DHS evaluation training. We talked by phone a few times. On 05/21/83 after a regional review trip to Amarillo, Martin drove to Perryton to visit her and her daughter. Visited Palo Duro Canyon with Janet a and friend and her kids.  Janet was a Nutritional Anthropologist.





06/07/83 APWA Conference Fort Worth Water Gardens- skipped out and went w/Carol Turner to FtW Water Gardens




1983 aerial view of Theophilus home across from Alpine Central School

Peggy & John married 06/17/83


Karen, Bitsi & Ollie - 1983



04/25/83 Martin met Judy in the break room of the DHS training center on Burnet Road (rt).  Judy was instrumental in moving Martin from glasses to contacts. She also introduced Martin to the Housewives Choice band which resulted in the long term friendship with James Hinkle and Pat Washburn.



07/27/83 Judy and Martin at Lake Travis



07/30/83 Judy's friends Debbie & Raleigh who introduced Martin to James and Housewives Choice Band (HWC)




Liberty Lunch, Austin, Texas Housewives Choice


Bruce Newlin, Judy & Martin at HWC gig • Judy with neighbor boy

09/01/83 At Judy's suggestion - Martin made contact lens exam.

09/12/83 Judy to Posse then with Debbie & Rolie to Men At Work Concert.


091883 had Judy Debbie & Rolie for dinner at Martin's townhouse.

092683 Bruce Newlin & Judy HWC (below)


Housewives Choice playing frat party

Housewives Choice playing another frat party and James' graduation party


Housewives Choice at UT Fraternity gig 1984



09/26/83 Judy and Martin at HouseWives Choice gig


On location recording UT Austin Oct 16,1983 - Martin recording Housewives Choice at the University of Texas at Austin


Paula borrowed Martin's Pontiac to travel to Houston, so Martin used Paula's car to record Housewives Chioice at UT. Sure wish I'd kept the van!


HWC at gig


James Hinkle impersonating a waiter and Pat, Jeff & Dave





Hank & James recording vocals among the corduroys and Dave & Pat harmonizing at Martin's home studio 10/16/1983



Jeff, James, Peter, Martin, Bruce and Mark at Housewives Choice recording session at Rollingwood


October 5, 1983 DHS Ruidosa retreat




100683 Paula flew in - Gary Fredericks & Paula Plantation restaurant


100783 Paula and Martin drove to Cloudcroft



100883 Paula and Martin went to Santa Fe and ate at Tomasinas, then drove back to El Paso

100983 Flew back to Austin



Hank & James recording vocals among the corduroys and Dave & Pat harmonizing at Martin's home studio 10/16/1983




Dad began requiring oxygen all the time.  Initially he had large tanks, then was happy to get a portable unit


Dad working part time accounting for the Anthony's store in alpine and enjoyed the manager and staff. These photo were costumes during Halloween.



Karl's wedding 11/12/83



Martin at Karl's wedding 11/12/83


Martin helped Paula, Brandon and Ryan put up their Christmas tree 831209

Martin spent Christmas with family in Alpine in 1983


Mom and Dad breakfast

Ollie & Peg 1983

Martin Alpine 1983

Bitsi & Teeny1983


Karl, Karen, Claudia & Paul

June 1983


Bitsi & Teeny1983

Alpine snow 1983

Dad "Ollie" & Bitsi 1983

Mom in the Bookstore 1983



Keri & Karl • Karl, Karen & George


On location van 1983 Austin, Texas





When NGP dissolved, Martin & Peter joined to produce and promote music through Music, Etc. , and Rich Records.

While continuing Phantom Productions,  Martin formed a new company with Peter Butcher.  Peter and Martin had met while working on NGP projects.  Using Peter's European resources, Music, Etc. worked to secure new music from recording studios in the US and promote them to international publishers and record companies. Peter and martin also enjoyed success during this time charting Leslie Gore's "It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To " on the US Billboard charts. See more


More Music, Etc. - Business Plan   Newsletter 1  2  3   Artist Form


09/20/83 Martin set up office with Peter Butcher to produce Rich Michaels.

Michael Rich's recording plan

Martin & Peter produced album for Rich Michaels

11/26/83 Martin met Shirley & Tommy (Tina Harold's brother) at Peter's office to work on computers for Rich Records. Cayce & Martin went to to Pedunkles then saw "Apple" at Chelsea St Cafe

11/27/83 Shirley & Tommy at Peter's office again & worked on computers


Martin Cayce & Peter working on Rich Michaels record  view more   View video of Peter producing in Cedar Creek Studio


Cayce Cage at Rich Michael's Office

Deborah, Ron Cayce and Martin

November 24, 1983 Thanksgiving with Cheryl, Jane and Carole (from DHS)


December 12, 1983 Martin helped Paula, Brandon and Ryan put up their Christmas tree


12/16/83 Martin & Bruce Newlin contracted for management of Housewives Choice Band (first Phantom Productions, Inc. artist signing)



12/21/83 Took DHS Christmas lunch through to Judy

Alpine's Anthony's store staff where Martin's Dad was the accountant

Alpine Presbyterian choir with Ellen Boyd at the organ.

Martin's Mom front row center

Martin's Mom with all the cats

Martin spent Christmas with family in Alpine in 1983



Mom and Dad breakfast

Christmas in Alpine 1983

Christmas in Alpine 1983


Martin in Alpine Christmas 1983

Christmas 1983 Karen, Mom & Peggy

Christmas 1983 Alpine Mom, Karen Peggy, Dad, John, Martin, Claudia and Paul

122883  Fandangos w/PB


12/28/83 Martin's Town House Christmas party




Martin & Cayce New Years Eve 1983



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