New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


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These pages were initially created to transfer photos from traditional scrapbooks to the internet in order to both preserve and make the pictures and history available to family and friends. It has become more extensive than I intended. However, I see it as a way to save the details before they slip away.

Martin T      ©2023 Theophilus

1974 -1975

Martin's ECCS staff meeting with Jane, Billie, Bruce and Fran in the Ector County Courthouse.

Some of Ector County Children's Services staff at offices in the Ector County Courthouse. Keith Bailey, Jane Conner, Jackie, Linda Hannah, Sylvia Ramirez and Fran Wilson

Martin Theophilus, ECCS Supervisor • data pdf

Sylvia Jane and Jackie

Linda, Jackie & Sylvia

Ector County Children's Services moves to County Health Building:

1974 begins with ECCS in the County's old Health Department building
Description: Bracken1:Users:martintheophilus:Desktop:Quick:Book:Martin B Photos:ECCShealthBuilding.jpgIn the fall of 1973, Ector County was running out of office space in the courthouse. Also, the State was doubling the Child Protective Services staff statewide. Ector County Children’s Services was moved to the old Ector County Health building across from the Odessa Police Department.

Description: Bracken1:Users:martintheophilus:Desktop:Quick:Book:Martin B Photos:JaneConnerMartin.jpgOne of the caseworkers in my unit, Jane Conner (rt), became the supervisor of a second unit. So I now managed abuse/neglect intake services and two Juvenile caseworkers, one of which was Bruce. Jane managed foster care, placement services and court reports. Incidentally we’d always provided reports to the court in child custody and divorce cases. We did home studies and then recommended which home should care for the child/children involved.

The old Ector County Health building was definitely a throw back in time. It had 6 rest rooms, originally two black, two white and two for staff. All those signs had been removed. Jane’s office still had a doctor title on the door and she left it. The kitchen door, which could be seen from the reception area, said “Sterilization Room.” We left it too, although probably a bit disconcerting to some of our clients.

One of the rest rooms was accessed from inside my office and wasn’t used. However, one day the County Auditor was meeting with me in my office right after lunch. About 15 minutes into the meeting, the toilet flushed and one of our staff, Chad Spears came out very embarrassed. He couldn’t decide whether to exit immediately, or wait, but when our meeting kept going, he exited.

Martin Theophilus, Supervisor Ector County Children's Services

Tom Karvonen, Ollie Theophilus, George Karvonen, Peggy Karvonen, Karen Karvonen, Karl Karvonen and Peg Theophilus

1974 recording equipment HSC Brentwood Odessa

On January18, 1974, Fran, who was still working for Children’s Services, told Martin her Dad was going to Alpine to bid on some foreclosed property, did he want to go? They ended up going in Martin's Dodge Charger, which was low on gas. There was no gas available this late evening in Odessa. This was during the great gas shortage. Luckily found gas in Penwell (would have been the last chance, or they'd had to turn back). They drove to Alpine and stayed over night at the Bien Venido.

Fran’s Dad checked out the auction then became interested in Martin's Mom’s knowledge of the geology in the area. They all ended up driving down toward the Big Bend, with my Mom describing all the rock formations along the way. It was a fun trip.



Ector County Children's Services had a case involving Mexican National families and Fran and Martin travelled to El Paso to meet with the Mexican Consultant and had some fun along the way.


On 01/23/74 Fran & Martin meet with the Mexican Consulate in El Paso regarding the Garcia children family. The kids had been abused by a Grandmother in Mexico and the family came to the US. The family came to the attention of Ector County Children's Services due to neglect. The Mexican Government wanted the children returned to Mexico and we fought the request in court to prevent their going back into an abusive situation in Mexico.

Martin dated Jan Pool an Odessa High School teacher 01/31/74 to 04/24/74. They met when she asked Martin to present information about Ector County Children's Services to their school.


02/09/74 Shills birthday

Fran helped Martin adopt Shilo, a Siberian Husky who was born on February 9, 1974

Shilo's AKC Registration


Jackie's Midland High School student who came out to ride cycles with us

Bruce and Jackie

Martin returning from El Paso

In the Big Bend with Jackie & Bruce • looking into Mexico

Bruce on River Road by famous rock



Martin on River Road by famous rock


03/26/74 Doobie Brothers



Seals & Croft - Dallas, Texas April 16, 1974




In 1974 Fran, Bruce and Martin rode in Bruce's Courier pickup through Pinto Canyon and rode cycles from the canyon to Candelaria and Ruidosa on the Rio Grande.



Fran preparing to ride in the Candelaria area

Fran & Bruce Big Bend

Fran & Martin Big Bend


The right photo was taken after Fran had a fall on her cycle. She road back 45 minutes to Bruce's truck and we later learned that she'd broken her collar bone.



Fran, Bruce & Martin near Candelaria, Texas by the Rio Grande.

Fran, Bruce and Martin also rode cycles in the hills in Big Springs. Unfortunately Fran took and another fall landing on a large cactus. Bruce removed the cactus spines from her bottom.


Martin with Shilo

Fran leaving for Hawaii for her doctorate

Fran worked for Ector county Children's Services from October 1, 1972 until July 15, 1974. Martin's recommendation letter for Fran. Fran and Martin have remained lifelong friends. She was one of three authors who published a study on Imaginary companions while at UT.

Martin with Shilo 

Fran photo & boat from Hawaii




05/08/74 Becky Knight was a nurse at the Odessa Hospital who helped Martin organize the Odessa Parents Anonymous charter in the Permian Basin. 

05/09/74 Martin presented Parents Anonymous information to the Odessa Junior Service League with nurse Becky Knight. They also presented a workshop that included the PA expert "Jolly K"on June 11, 1974

Additional PA meetings were presented by Martin with Becky: 05/16/09 Beta Sigma - Caroryn Bennevidez home (later Homero Rodriguez's wife SA RA); KMID TV; ECCSO Luncheon.


05/13/74 Martin met with John Fenner regarding ECCS kids counseling and evaluations(Chris & Martin later saw John while taping interview for Shelly Dumas TCDS) where he was working as a group home manager.


Click to read more of the report

Abuse and Neglect by County P1P2

Child Abuse Symposium UT Permian Basin


Dad & Mom 1974

Hot Air Balloon from Martin's back yard in Odessa 1974

07/13/74 Cheryl & Martin in Big Bend

Shilo and Twister at Martin's home on Brentwood in Odessa


Martin and Cheryl began dating

(Beginning on 09/19/73 Martin dated Cheryl off and on and also she enrolled at Tx Tech. Richard also started attending Texas Tech. Carol & I suggested that Cheryl and Richard car pool, but after a couple of trips they decided not to.)


Shilo & Twister

06/13/74 Cheryl said she didn't want to see Becky's car at my house and asked I get rid of my 2 Siberian Husky's Shilo & Twister.







Martin's ECCS supervisor's office in the Ector County Courthouse in 1974.

Martin with Shilo

06/22/74 Carol & Martin travelled together to 1974 10th AHS reunion

Martin's '74 Dodge Charger


Martin's recommendation letter for Fran July 19, 1974



07/26/74 Martin attended a Child Abuse workshop in Dallas and stayed with Juanita Carlton, with whom he'd worked with when he first joined ECCS. Juanita and Ann Kimbrell were the two Ector County Child Welfare workers when the State of Texas took over all the county CPS offices. There was some resentment in the process and Martin's joining the group mended the relationship. Martin and Juanita and her husband at the time became friends. Her husband was a bank manager in Odessa and facilitated an auto loan and house financing for Martin. While staying with Juanita, she allowed Martin to sit in on one of her group therapy sessions.

09/14/74 Cheryl and Martin discussed marriage & became engaged

09/17/74 Message from Sylvia to Martin from ECCS Board Chair Jay Poyner

Martin attended a Child Welfare conference in Denver (where he also got to attend a Joan Baez concert). 

092974 Martin to Denver - Battered Child Conference. While driving around Denver looking for Coliseum, Martin saw Joan Baez and Caesar Chavez chained to front door of auditorium. Attended Joan Baez concert

Martin attended the Joan Baez' concert in Denver on 09/29/74


10/02/74 Martin picked up 3 hitchhikers at Independence pass. They travelled together for a few days, going through NM looking for one of the girl's Dads. Martin ended up back in Lubbock where Cheryl was going to school.

10/08/74 Martin presented at Andrews County Child Welfare committee for Ann Kimbal and Martha Mansell.

Martha after filing CPS papers at the Andrews County Courthouse


10/12/74 George, Aunt Ina, Martin, Dad (Ollie) Mom (Peg) Karen, Aunt Isabel, Peggy & Karl

Mom,Dad, Ken, Karl, Peggy, George, Grandma Crerar

10/12/74 Alpine Dad, Mom, Martin

10/16/74 Martin drove to San Angelo for regional DHS meeting. Martin had supper with Sylvia & Pat - Sylvia said she's getting divorced.

Ector County Community Services newsletter 11/01/74

Odessa & Ector County Resources used by Ector County Children's Services P 1P2P3P4

11/08/74 Parents with Carters in motor home to Texas Tech homecoming - Martin had worst migraine ever.

Went to visit Lubbock Prairie Dog Town - Mom & Cheryl




11/08/74 Martin and Cheryl at the Lubbock Prairie Dog Town

11/28/74 - 11/30/74 Cheryl & Martin spent Thanksgiving in El Paso

Martin spent time with Martha Mansell - 12/06/74 to 12/13/74

On 12/14/74 Martin drove to Lubbock and broke his engagement with Cheryl.  Events after the Denver, hitchhiker experience, the Lubbock trip with parents, Thanksgiving and time with Martha, made Martin decide he wasn't ready to marry again. This was the pits for Cheryl as she was in Tx Tech final exams.

12/21/74 Martha headed to her parent's home in the Woodlands north of Houston. When she arrived her parents said she could invite Martin to join them. So at the last minute, Martin spent Christmas holidays with Martha’s family at their home in the Woodlands.


Martha's Mom and Martin 1974 Christmas holidays



In 1975 Chris was living in England with Anthony and Ken while Al was stationed in Viet Nam


Some of the Ector County Children's Services staff around 1975





01/01/75 Martin helped Martha move to a house across from Andrews Lake.

Andrews Lake across from Martha's home

Jackie & Bruce 1975

Dad, Mom, Martin January 5, 1975 Martin spent a '74 follow-up

Christmas with his family in Alpine.

Martin with Brandy  & brother 1975

Martin with Brandy and Sunshine (Martha's Setter)

Martha with Brandy and Sunshine


01/18/ 75  Billie O'Dowdy who worked with Martin at the Ector County Children's Services told Martin about some Irish Setter puppies near her in Crane, Texas. Martha and Martin both bought one. Martin's was named Brandy (the song and her color). Martha named Brandy's brother Sunshine.

Martin's Charger in Andrews at Marthas

Martha with Bandy and her brother Sunshine

Brandy and Sunshine & Sunshine with Foster Parent sticker

re-engaged July 1975

07/16/75 Counselor Leon Balcomb - As we were preparing to enter Cheryl said she did not want to tell counselor she was pregnant, so we didn't. Martin took 8 hrs sick leave next day.

07/25/75 Cheryl's sister Cindy's wedding to Mike in Fort Worth. Martin wasn’t invited to attend

08/13/75 At marriage counseling with Rev Mike Miller - Cheryl said she had not been pregnant.

08/20/75 Rev Miller counseling session with Cheryl and Martin


08/22/75 Cheryl's wedding shower


Cheryl and Martin married August 30, 1975

  11/13/75 The Texas DHS HQ moved Ector County Children's Services to their new Andrews Highway, Odessa, Texas consolidated state office building.

Sylvia, Pat, Bruce, Carol & Martin at Ector County Children's Services on Andrews highway

ECCS in Andrews highway Odessa Texas DHS State offices



Christmas 1975 Odessa with Cheryl, her friends & the Carters


12/06/75 Martin went to Sylvia's garage sale

University of Texas Permian Basin review of Ector County Children's Services - Spring/ Summer 1975

Click to read more of the report

Martin & Brandy in Brentwood back yard

Martin & Brandy in Brentwood back yard

Martin & Brandy in Brentwood back yard in snow

Brandy packed to go to Alpine in back of Mazda pickup


Karen, George and Dad - Christmas 1975 in Alpine

Christmas in Alpine - Family at Bien Venido


New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


   2016 B