New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


   2016 B
The beginning of January 2001 Martin completed his retirement from the State (Texas Department of Human Resources @ 22 years and The University of Texas 23 years). Thanks to Joe Halton, Personnel, at TxDHS, Martin recouped his retirement and now could receive State retirement benefits including health insurance for he and Chris.

Martin was offered continuing half time employment with UT at the Texas Center for Disability Studies. However not wanting to be locked into State time and leave requirements, the Director, Penny Seay PhD agreed to contract with Martin's company, Phantom Productions, Inc. for the same services. This contract was renewed and lasted 17 years.

During the contract years with UT TCDS, Martin also provided media services to EveryChildTexas (continuing to date) and to the Houston based Family to Family Network from November 2002 to May 2018.

During the last part of 2000, Martin was approached by Debbby Kalk to see if he would provide part time IT services and media support to her company Cortex Interactive. This became a full time position beginning in January, 2002.



Martin's Cortex card

Thanks to a good friend Debby Kalk, Martin worked for Cortex Interactive as a Systems Manager and Video producer.  The job enable Chris and Martin to build there home. Unfortunately after 9/11, major contracts with Delta Airlines for International security and other training were placed on hold  causing Cortex to go out of business.  Some video work Martin worked on included Big Austin (view videos 1, 2, 3, 4), Delta AirlinesBalcones Springs Resort Virtual Reality for web site


Cortex Interactive Staff: Debby Kalk, Brenda Fondren, Katy Truitt, Martin Burke, Peter Leighton, Ivickza Sanchez, ...

Chris and Martin have enjoyed seeing Martin Burke (who also worked at Cortex) in numerous wonderful Austin plays.





Delta Airlines Cortex shoot by Phantom Productions


4/20/2001 DPM Technical Business Network - Austin Player's Event - Custom Production


9/29/2001 DPM University of Texas Club Pre-game UT Football Event Entertainment - The Jerry Jeff Walker Band


Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum 35 foot bronze star installation - view movie

bronze star being brought in on a truck    star being raised by 2 cranes  star is upright an still being handled by 2 cranes 

star is upright and being moved into place by 1 crane  star as seen from front of museum

Superbowl Party 2001


In 1984 Martin was in New York on a trip along the east coast and took this photo of the Twin Towers.

On September 11, 2001 Chris was at home preparing her entertainment booking work for the day. I was working in downtown Austin on East 5th Street for Cortex Interactive as an IT and media manager. Cortex was in the process of completing interactive media training for Delta Airlines that included international security, passenger management and baggage handling. Chris and I produced video at Austin's Bergstrum Airport for the training. I was also continuing to provide media and IT services on the University of Texas main campus. So on that morning I parked at the UT Jester parking lot, caught the Armadillo bus in front of the new Bullock Museum and rode to Cortex. I tried to complete a planned stock purchase, but was told all the brokerage systems were down. Then another employee arrived and said a small plane just hit one of the twin towers. I looked at a news feed on my computer and called Chris to tell her to turn a TV. All the Cortex staff decided to go home. I caught a bus back to Jester and drove home. The second tower and the Pentagon had now also been hit. Chris and I watched with disbelief and sadness as the day unfolded. Cortex closed the following Spring as Delta Airlines was a prime customer and suspended the current training plans.

Portland September 2001

At the Beach

Anthony as "Action Figure"

Chris Soaring over Oregon


Anthony & Friends

picture of Chris & Anthony   picture of Chris & Anthony   picture of Martin, Chris & Anthony

Alpine & Fort Davis - November 2001


May 2001 New Orleans with Peter and Elaine • Helen and Bud Baton Rogue

Thanksgiving 2001

Thanksgiving with Bev, Ken, Chris & Martin

Christmas 2001 Newsletter

Season's Greetings,

We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.  It's amazing to think that another year is almost at a close.  Actually Martin and I will be glad to see 2001 end. 

2001 has not been a very good year for us, but in comparison with the terrible events on September 11th, our problems are minor.  After our letter last Christmas you are probably thinking we should have a new return address - but alas.  We were getting ready to start construction early in the year, when the mortgage company alerted us to the builder's financial problems and he consequently filed for bankruptcy.  We are very grateful that we had not actually broken ground.  Anyway, we started over and have now found another builder, made some changes to our plans, and hopefully we'll begin construction at the beginning of January.  Soooo, maybe by the Summer, we will be in our new home.

Martin did retire from the State of Texas (working at the University of Texas) in May.  It's nice to know we get medical coverage and a check every month and Martin doesn't have to go to that office everyday.  However, we are actually contracting with UT to continue to do their media work, so are staying very involved.  Martin is also continuing to work full-time for Cortex Interactive in downtown Austin.  He is the Systems Manager.  The job can be frustrating when every computer and system seem to have problems at the same time, but he has learned an awful lot about the inner workings of Macs, PC, networks, servers, DSL, T1, etc., etc!  His collection of vintage recording gear keeps growing (there's a studio and museum in the new house when that's complete).  A new web site has been created for the collection. See

I continue to stay busy with entertainment bookings, although the Sept. 11th events have definitely put a dent in company entertainment budgets.  I'm sure things will pick up in the spring again.  I continue to try to ride my horse at least twice a week and thoroughly enjoy it.  I just moved her to a stable just 3 miles away, so can pop in to check on her almost everyday.  The last stable was 17 miles, so this is a lot better and hopefully before long I will be able to look out the kitchen window and see her.

We went to Portland to visit Anthony in late September.  He is doing well - staying extremely busy with work, playing on two soccer teams, rode a 200 mile bike rally and is currently dating a very nice girl.

Ken is still here in Austin.  He is currently doing contract work for a video gaming company named Kalisto and works out of his house.  They are developing a video game for the cartoon Jimmy Neutron.   Neither Ken or Anthony will be in Austin for Christmas, and Martin and I have been invited to share the festivities with some dear friends.

We wish you Happy Holidays and hope that 2002 brings you good health, happiness and love.


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"Phantom Productions" is the registered trademark of Phantom Productions, Inc. Copyright 2005
All pictures and content on this web site are the property of Phantom Productions, Inc.