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Carol was elected Band Sweetheart in 1964 and Martin was her escort.

Family & Friends

These pages were initially created to transfer photos from traditional scrapbooks to the internet in order to both preserve and make the pictures and history available to family and friends. It has become more extensive than I intended. However, I see it as a way to save the details before they slip away.

Martin T 

©2015 Theophilus

Alpine, Texas

Part 1 1878 to 1945

Part 2 1946 to 1956

Part 3 1957 to 1963

Part 4  1963 to 1966

Part 5 1967 to 1970

Part 6  1970 to 1977

Part 7 1978 to 1982

Part 8 1982 to 1984

1984 to present

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Alpine Marfa

Chris history

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Dancer & KD   Home


picture of Theophilus family and Mom & Pop Crerar

Alpine, Texas 1960's

Alpine, Texas 1963 to 1966

1962 Falcon

Carol & Martin with grandparents and aunts from Ohio

Carol & friends in the Alpine Big Bend Players Follies at the Alpine Community Center 1963


Martin's early sound system

Martin's parents would roll back their carpet and let the kids have small dances in their living room.  Carol & Martin dancing on December 22, 1960.  Guess it kept us off the streets! 

Palmer and George in Theophilus' living room. 1963

picture from a prom

Martin and Donna Lynn at HS prom (walking together, not going together)


Carol's room and horse collection


Carol & Martin Junior Senior Prom





Martin contracted Yellow Jaundice in 1964.  Carol visited, but kept her distance

A&W Root Beer was a favorite hang-out "pop-corn & orange juice"


AHS classroom

Jeff, Palmer, Martin, Donna, Julie, Carol & Candy

Palmer Coats, Carol (second from left) 1964 - Twirlers for Alpine High School with Rochelle Sohl, Debbie Boyson, __ & Donna Mueller

Alpine High School Band bus returning from contest

AHS Band at Sul Ross Band Day

Sul Ross Band Day

Some of Martin's records 1964

Carol & Martin (Jim & Jan Gibson painting by Peg in background)

Carol AHS twriler 1964

Carol 1964 - Twirler for Alpine High School


In 1965 Martin's parents took he and Carol on a trip to see Martin's Aunts and Uncles in Baton Rogue, LA and Cincinnati, Ohio


Ollie and Sandy


Dad & Martin and Carol looking at Cousin Sandy's horse in Louisiana while visiting Martin's Uncle Bud and  Aunt Elsie in 1965


Alpine High School band in parade in 1964

picture from play

Martin in AHS Maskers  drama club

Alpine High School gym with Coach & Brodie

Alpine High School lunch hour crowd 1964

Alpine High School gym Home Economic building 1964

Alpine High School gym 2007 fire - MB Lockhart photo

Martin's Mom playing with Pepper



Alpine from the air mid 60's - view video

Battleship Texas as seen from the San Jacinto Monument

Martin on Texas coast

Carl Williams' ad in the April 30, 1964 Alpine Avalanche  Carl Williams' ad in the April 30, 1964 Alpine Avalanche

Carl Williams ran for Sheriff in 1964 and won.

Brewster County Sheriff Carl Williams and DPS Officer Jean Pate


Tom, Peggy,Peg, Ollie, Aunt Ina, Martin,Margaret (M's Grandmother), Carol & Uncle – movie

1963 Lee & Juda wedding - Mr. & Mrs. Fred Moore with Mr. & Mrs. Frank McCollum. Fred Moore allowed Martin to ride with him in the Alpine Police car which resulted in the strong interest Martin had for law enforcement.


Lee & Juda married

Lee & Juda married

Karl Karvonen, Margaret Crerar, Peggy Karvonen, Tom Karvonen, Peg Theophilus, George Karvonen, Pepper and Blue Ford Falcon (was red before Martin rolled it with George Cooley between Alpine and Fort Stockton)

Martin's Mom was fascinated by the Marfa Lights from the time she and his father arrived in three Big Bend area.  Judith M. Brueske, Ph.D. dedicated her book The Marfa Lights to Martin's Mom, Peg Theophilus

Judith M. Brueske, Ph.D.'s book The Marfa Lights available from Ocotillo Enterprises 205 N. 5th (POB 195, Alpine, Texas 79831

Go to more about Marfa, Texas

Phil and LaFawn Avant, Carol's parents

Phil and LaFawn Avant at their home in Alpine, Texas

Carol was elected Band Sweetheart in 1964 and Martin was her escort.



Carol & Claude Guillemet the French foreign exchange student on the River Road 1964 - view video with Carol, Martin, Donna, Larry and Claude Donna & Larry 2012

Martin on the River Road 1964

Carol & Martin preparing to leave on AHS '64 senior trip to Topolobampo & Los Mochas, Mexico


AHS '64 senior trip to Topolobampo & Los Mochas, Mexico

AHS '64 senior trip to Topolobampo & Los Mochas, Mexico


AHS '64 senior trip to Topolobampo & Los Mochas, Mexico



    picture from 1964 Senior Trip to Mexico                               

Added 12/20/15


Carol & Martin with Mexican train in back ground

One of the most scenic train trips in the world, it plunges travelers into 85 tunnels and over 37 bridges through Mexico's Copper Canyon.

AHS Band parade (Mr. Banks left)

Martin's Alpine High School Graduation invitation May 1964

Our band director Mr. Banks took the band to Leaky for two days.



When the Believers (poster page 1, page 2) played at the AHS Junior Senior prom in 1964, Martin asked for a copy of the tape recording made on their Roberts recorder (seen above). The Believers were a group of Sul Ross State College (now University) students. After the prom the band members headed for their homes for the Summer of '64. Go to Believers page



Carol & Martin at the 1964 Junior Senior Prom

The Lead Singer, Grainger Hunt (seen in the middle of the photo above and right) stayed in Alpine with his family. Knowing Martin had a copy of the tape, he called and asked to hear it. Just the month before, for high school graduation, Martin's parents bought him the Webcor (below) which enabled "sound with/on sound." Grainger asked if Martin would help him develop and record some new songs. The rest of the Summer was spent in numerous ("fun & learning") sessions and the "draft" recording of new material for the Believers, including the development of their new song "Motor Mouth." The Believers then went to San Angelo and recorded"Motor Mouth" at Ron Newdoll's Accurate Sound Company.  The studio had a #1 hit with "Last Kiss" by the Cavaliers.

Martin recorded a few more things for the Believers. The relationship with Ron Newdoll and Martin's pursuit of a recording career were the result of this first work with Grainger & Peyton helping in their music development.


For Alpine High School graduation, Martin's parents went in with him to purchase a Webcor reel to reel tape recorder from the Montgomery Wards catalog.  This enabled a life long career in audio recording and production

This photo shows the equipment in use in the early studio (1965-1966). The man in the picture was the PR person for the Alpine ISD who recorded a weekly radio program for the schools. 

The pictures above are of a Phantom Productions (Highland Sound Company) remote radio broadcast set-up for a concert at the Sul Ross State College's main auditorium. The equipment included an Ampex 800,the Sony 600, a Bogan MXM-A, and three pieces of remote equipment from Alpine's radio station KVLF.


Dingo Drive-In Alpine

Twin Sisters from SR Mountain - video

SR Mountain from "A" mountain during freshman painting




Looking from the Sul Ross Band Hall toward Twin Sisters

Sul Ross kappa Kappa Psi

In September 1964, Martin received a Music scholarship to Sul Ross State College in Alpine.  In addition to continuing to record area original bands, he provided the recording services for the Sul Ross Music Department.  With Carol and Music major Louis "Corky" Thornton, Martin recorded all the recitals, choir and band concerts during the four years he worked on his Bach of Music degree.

Martin recital 1965


Sul Ross music arranging course

1965 snow Alpine, Texas

Snow Marathon 1965 - Peg was teaching school in Marathon, TX

Carol and Martin delivering magazines for Martin's Dad

Carol and Martin delivering magazines for Martin's Dad 1963 - 1966. They also picked up the Odessa American papers in Monahans and drove them to Ft. Stockton, Ft. Davis, Marfa, Marathon and Alpine.

In 1965 Martin's parents took he and Carol on a trip to see Martin's Aunts and Uncles in Baton Rogue, LA and Cincinnati, Ohio


Ollie and Sandy


Dad & Martin and Carol looking at Cousin Sandy's horse in Louisiana while visiting Martin's Uncle Bud and  Aunt Elsie in 1965


1965 Baton Rogue, LA

1965 Baton Rogue, LA

1965 Baton Rogue, LA

Margaret Crerar, Peggy Anne, Peg and Pop Crerar


1965 Tom Karvonen, Martin, Carol, Margaret Crerar, George Crerar, Ollie Theophilus, Peg Theophilus, John Crerar, Ina Krogstad, Peggy & Karl • view movie from that period

Thanksgiving with Taiwan students

picture JCM

Joe Burgess, Carol & Martin around 1966 during Joe's visit to Alpine from NM.

Carol & Martin's 1966 Mustang between Alpine & Ft Stockton. The Mustang was bought jointly while still dating.  The car was special ordered from Brewster County motors.  We knew it would be shipped and pass through Alpine on the train en route to El Paso where it had to be trucked back.   So we kept our eyes on the trains passing through.  - view video 




Carol beside water running between Ft Davis and Balmorhea around 1967

Carol beside water running between Ft Davis and Balmorhea around 1967

Carol beside water running between Ft Davis and Balmorhea around 1967

Carol beside water running between Ft Davis and Balmorhea around 1967

Parents office building

Martin's parents office building next to their home.  it served as a print shop, magazine and book distribution center and eventually a Book Store and Hallmark Card shop.

Peg Theophilus rock hematinuria passion!



Sul Ross Band preparing to play for Lady Bird Johnson's arrival at the old Marfa Army Air Base to have a float trip down the Rio Grande and dedicate the Fort Davis National Historic Site.  Tony Bronze, Carol & Martin in center of photo.  G


“This looks like the very edge of the world."
-Lady Bird Johnson's description to the view along Lost Mine Trail.
In April of 1966, First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, visited Big Bend National Park to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Park Service and the launch of the “See America First” campaign. As a champion of environmental conservation, visiting Big Bend in her home state of Texas must have been a very special experience for her. Lady Bird had a full itinerary, including a hike up the Lost Mine Trail, and an eleven-mile river trip through Mariscal Canyon.

Mom at Fort Davis dedication talking to Lady Bird Johnson

Mom at Fort Davis dedication talking to Lady Bird Johnson.  Mom gave Lady Bird some agate from the area.





Peggy Anne, Karl & George Easter 1966

Martin's Mom & Dad , Nov 22, 1966 - 25th wed anniversary

Lunch with Peggy, George, Aunt Isabel, Karl, Ollie, Peg, Carol and Martin at the "slow" Bien Venido restaurant in Alpine


Carol with Horse corral


Peg Theophilus & Carol Avant - River Road 1966

Sully Sul Ross mascot

During holidays, Martin & Carol took care of Sully the Wolf mascot for Sul Ross University in 1966. We took her out on 2 leads and walked around (or more accurately dragged around) campus. She loved to collect beer cans and bring them back to her cage.  She got to go to Sul Ross games.  It was hard for us to see her in a cage and unfortunately she was eventually poisoned.   Watch movie of Sul Ross University mascot "Sully" in 1966.



Martin's Mom and Dad helped him create a recording studio in their home by cutting a sound proof window between Martin's room and his sister Peggy's old bedroom.


Carol in recording studio that was built into Martin's parents' home

Martin with Carol in Alpine studio 1966 - Corky designed the Sul Ross uniforms so that they would be both concert and marching band uniforms.

Martin with Carol in Alpine Highland Sound Company studio 1966 (built into Martin's parent' house



Martin's Mom "Peg" upon receiving her Masters of Education 1966

Margaret Theophilus at Sul Ross

Margaret Theophilus (Martin's Mom) teaching Ceramics at Sul Ross State University.  She'd taught art and industrial arts in the Marathon school system and came back to teach at Sul Ross.

Martin's Dad getting ready to give Mom big present

Martin's Dad always liked surprises.  Every year he would wrap a huge box for my mother that contained any number of smaller boxes.  This year he gave her a ring celebrating their years together.  View video of Christmas celebration at the Theophilus home.

Phyllis Carol Avant in Who's Who

Carol (Phyllis) Avant in College Who's Who

Sul Ross Football field

Carol Thompson & Corky at Balmorphea State Park

Carol and Martin at Balmorphea State Park

Carol at Balmorphea State Park

Carol at Balmorphea State Park

Teri & Tony Bronze with their new baby and Carol at Balmorphea State Park swimming pool 1966

Alpine, Texas from the air in 1966

Alpine, Texas 1966

1966 - Carol and martin flying over the Big Bend National Park with M's Mom and Grandmother

Big Bend National Park from the air 1966

Big Bend National Park from the air 1966

Big Bend National Park from the air 1966

Cathedral Mountain South of Alpine from the air 1966

View video  Small Version

Mom's notes about flight

1964 Cessna Cessna 210D (2021)

Cessna 210D 1964, N3845Y 77 Gal. Long Range Fiberglass Monarch fuel tanks, fillers and caps (STC)Wing Tip strobes, inflatable door seals, Rosen Visors, 3 pt. shoulder harness on 4 seats, total of 6 seats.Avionics:KMA 20 TSO audio panelKX170B (glide slope) and indicator KI214, KX175 TSO (N/GS) with indicatorKN64 DME, KR 87 TSO ADF, KT76 transponderInstrument and post lightingVertical card compass TTAC: 6005Engine: Continental 520 IO520-A (285 H.P., fuel injected), SMOH 1280 hrs. (1995) Insight Graphic Engine Monitor, EGTAnnual: 11-30-2016: Comp. #1 64/80, #2 64/80, #3 66/80, #4 60/80, #5 68/80 and # 6 66/80 Prop: McCauley, TSO 773 hrs.Glass: Tinted and in good conditionPaint: White, two tone blue trim, original and it could use a paint job or touch up some areas (rated :5)Interior: Blue cloth, original, no rips or tears but worn and could use a facelift (rated:5) History:This 210 belonged to a friend of ours father he owned for decades but he developed medical issues and lost his certificate. Shortly after losing his medical he ended up hospitalized. We purchased the airplane from him to help him with his medical costs.This airplane flies great and is very strong. She is a great cross country aircraft and there are many options for use of this airplane including flying it while upgrading, getting high performance and complex rating or leaving her with the serviceable paint and interior and just fly her, where else can you buy a good airworthy airplane that flies @ 166 kts in cruise for this kind of money! If you are interested we encourage you to inspect her at your cost at our airport (F70, French Valley, Temecula CA), This is a cash sale no financing options from us, a deposit will be required. This aircraft is advertised elsewhere and is subject to prior sale and cancellation of this listing. Asking price $34,500


Dad's Resume 09/30/66



Margaret & George Crerar

George Crerar - Sept 20, 1881 to March 1, 1967

Grandma Crerar with Karl & George Karvonen


Mom & Pop Crerar - Pop, born Sept 20, 1881 passed away March 1, 1967

Immigrated to Cleveland, Oh from Glasgow, Scotland in 1907
Naturalized in US on 1/14/16.

Tom, Peggy, Martin and Carol 1967

1966 scenes • view video

 Carol and Martin began dating in 1963. In 1966, while single and working as police dispatchers for the Brewster County Law Enforcement Communications Center, they jointly ordered and bought a custom 1966 Mustang. We'd watch the trains coming through Alpine (a time you could actually see the cars), but never saw it. Our dear friend Corky Thornton designed very classy new uniforms for the Sul Ross band. They were either a marching band uniform, or would convert into a concert tux. The scenes are around alpine, a band trip to Galveston, with a stay over at the Casa Recardo Hotel in Kingsland. The hotel had deteriorated and was in disrepair. Also scenes at Carol's grandparents in Pyote. Martin's parent enabled him to create a recording studio in their home using Peggy's old bedroom and part of Martin's bedroom. Small bands were recorded as were voice over sessions for the Alpine school's weekly KVLF radio shows and a film soundtrack effects for Peter Koch.





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© 2007

Part 1 1878 to 1945

Part 2 1946 to 1956

Part 3 1957 to 1963

Part 4  1963 to 1966

Part 5 1967 to 1970

Part 6  1970 to 1977

Part 7 1978 to 1982

Part 8 1982 to 1984

1984 to present

Related links  

Alpine Marfa

Chris history

Canine Family  

Dancer & KD   Home



"Phantom Productions" is the registered trademark of Phantom Productions, Inc. Copyright 2007

All pictures and content on this web site are the property of Phantom Productions, Inc.



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Click this link to view more about David Perkoff Music

Please visit the Museum of Magnetic Sound RecordingHot Air Ballooning

New generations productions staff in Austin Custom records offices


Chris at sunset in West Texas
picture of Troubador on his First Birthday
picture of the back of the house
picture of Dancer running
Picture of Martin in museum December 2004
Martin, Mary,Jim and Chris working on IBAT History video
Chris & Dancer riding in River Crossing


   2016 B