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Hot Air Balloon Crew Training
"From the Ground Up"  



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View "From the Ground Up" crew training trailer





Produced at the request of & in association with experienced balloon pilots & crew, this tape takes you through the entire process of setting up, launching, chasing, recovering & packing balloons. Instructs persons on the components, safety precautions and skills necessary to successfully crew for hot air ballooning. This is the second edition of the tape first produced in 1989.

"From the lighthearted overviews to the step-by-step instruction, this video provides a clear explanation of crew training techniques."

Donna Cook Eastman, Ballooning Magazine

Balloon Pilot Quotes

- Very good job on the tape   - It will be very helpful to my crew, Great   - Very good. Will be used a lot!!

- I really enjoyed this tape, because I set-up and pack the balloon exactly the way you demonstrated.

- I saw it at a Safety Seminar . REALLY GOOD!



Order DVD                                      Crew Training DVD

The DVD presentation includes new details on crewing, a 20 minute quick overview,
as well  as clips for Aerostar & FireFly balloonists!


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